Monday, November 16, 2009

If We Don't Invite Them, They Won't Come

The most important part of a class reunion is the class, the people—everyone, not just the people I hung out with or you hung out with or the ones who played sports or the ones who were in the band.
That's why it's so important that everyone helps track down classmates for the upcoming reunion.
The new Dickinson Alumni Association has helped us out a lot. They used our last class reunion address list and sent out postcards. For alumni whose cards were returned as undeliverable, they attempted to locate them through county appraisal district records in several counties. Therefore, we are starting with a list that is more accurate than any of our past address lists.
Of course, there are still inaccuracies. Several of the "missing" people are my friends on Facebook, so I know they can't really be missing.
Below is a link to the list of everyone who currently does not have a good address in our database as of today. If you can track any of these people down, please forward contact information to with "contact" in the subject line. All contact information will be kept confidential and used solely for alumni association and class reunion purposes.
Thank you ahead of time for all of your help!
Help find these people:

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