Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Send Your Photos

Lana Blair-Jones is my new hero. She has volunteered to put together a slide show to run during the reunion, so dig out those old photos!
Actually, Lana is setting up 2 shows—a "then" show and a "now" show. Feel free to send old photos, new photos, or both.

To submit a photo:
  1. scan photo and save it as a JPG
  2. email the file as an attachment to
  3. in your email message, identify the people in the photo if possible
  4. if you would like a copy of the slide show after the reunion, let Lana know in your email.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Reunion Registration

Whew! After months of fact-finding, budget preparing, address collecting, and decision making, we finally have prices and are ready to begin registration for the 25-year reunion!
The reunion will be the weekend of July 23–25, 2010, at Moody Gardens in Galveston. The Friday night mixer will be 7:30-midnight in the Garden Cay Room (immediately adjacent to the main bar) with hors d'hourves, billiards, and big-screen TVs. Saturday night will be a catered dinner with DJ and dancing in the Moody Ballroom from 7:30-midnight. We are hoping to add a slide show if we can find someone willing to put one together.

The pricing is as follows:
Both nights: $55 before May 31; $65 after May 31; $70 at the door
Friday night only: $30 before May 31; $40 after May 31 and at the door.

You can either print a registration form here:

Registration Form

You can send your name, your guest's name, and your contact information along with a check or money order to:

Class of 1985 Reunion
P.O. Box 1782
Dickinson, TX 77539

Judging by the number of emails we have already received, this is going to be a great reunion. Hope to see you there!

Moody Gardens Hotel

We visited the facilities at Moody Gardens, and they are beautiful. We will have access to pool tables and the main bar from our private party room on Friday, July 23. On Saturday, we will be in the first floor ballrooms with a complete dinner, dance floor, cash bar, and DJ.
Garden Cay Room for Friday

Ballroom for Saturday night 

For those of you who are familiar with Galveston, it might be nice to post comments about fun things to do in Galveston, the best restaurants, etc. That way our classmates living out of town have an idea of what they shouldn't miss when they get here.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Be in the Class Directory

Whether you will be at the reunion or not, we want you in the class directory.
  1. Here are the steps:
  2. Go to the link below
  3. Download the Word document
  4. Fill out as much or as little as you want to share
  5. Email the document to
Reunion Directory Form

People who preregister for the Saturday event will automatically receive a directory.
If you are not able to attend but would like a directory, please send $10 check or money order along with your name and mailing address to:

Class of 1985 Reunion
PO Box 1782
Dickinson, TX  77539